The Sunseeker challenge

This might seem like aiming for the stars, but I’ve been wondering whether I might get myself to Mallorca on a Sunseeker.

£35k will get you a second hand, fairly snazzy looking boat. Factor in £5k for the fuel to get there and I would need to raise £40k during the month-long course (or slightly less when you think it’ll take 50 hours of solid sailing to get there!)

It might seem ridiculous to expect to raise so much in such a short time, but if I’m going to do it I may as well aim high!

Does it matter that I don’t even know how to captain a boat or have a license? Probably! I may also need to factor in paying a professional captain, or start making some good connections with student sailing societies in the hope someone might fancy a free ride to Mallorca over the summer.

I can certainly imagine less comfortable ways of achieving the course goals!

Relentless resourcefulness

Over the last few months I’ve been putting together this course and website. I’m really hopeful it’ll provide a great way for people to learn how to get better at being Relentlessly Resourceful.

This is a scary proposition for me. I’m planning to do the course myself and, although I’ve had a fair amount of financial and business success in my lifetime, I’ve got no idea whether I’d be able to achieve the course goals or if anyone else will join me in the attempt!

Will it be just me and one other enthusiastic person trying and failing? Worse, will I fail and the other person succeed and I’ll have to tell people I couldn’t raise a measly passage to Mallorca despite all my connections and former success? How embarrassing would that be for me and would it make people think less of me?

In a way I’m looking forward to the challenge this poses. I’m hopeful that the experience I’ll have is one of slight fear, of not knowing whether or not I can do something.

In the next few months I’m going to post a series of blog posts about the various things I might try during the course to succeed, both to raise the money I need and to get to Mallorca. I welcome thoughts from anyone else, whether you’re intending to join me on the course or not!